Step 1: Are you stopping service at your current address within Nicor Gas' service territory?
Address to stop service:
Zip code:
Date to stop gas service at above address::
Note: It's our practice to estimate final readings whenever possible. Your stop date must be today or later. We are unable to close your account on a date in the past.


Step 2: Where and when do you want to start service?
Service address:*
Apartment number:
Zip code:*
New phone number:*
Date to start gas service:*
Note: It's our practice to estimate beginning readings whenever possible. Your start date must be today or later. We are unable to start your service on a date in the past.


Step 3: Who will be responsible for paying the natural gas service at the address indicated above?
Responsible person is:*
Property owner
Primary Responsible Person
Social Security Number:*

If you prefer not to provide your social security number on this form, please contact us at 1 888 Nicor4U (1 888 642-6748).
Date of birth:*
Daytime phone number:*
Evening phone number:*
E-mail address:*
Note: We will use your e-mail address only to communicate with you about your Nicor Gas account.
Secondary Responsible Person
Social Security Number:
Date of birth:


Step 4: Where would you like the bill mailed
            (if different from the address in Step 2)?
Apartment number:
                            Zip code:
* Required